National History Day and CCHS

As I mentioned in my blog post in September, I was a judge for the first time in the National History Day contest earlier this year. As a member of the Cumberland County Historical Society, I especially enjoyed see the many projects related to the history of Cumberland County. The work done by students from the County as well as across the State of Pennsylvania was in many cases worth preserving.
I am now excited to announce that CCHS in partnership with local schools will bring into its collections a digital copy of the projects from Cumberland County students which place in their respective categories at their schools and whose topic relates directly to the history of Cumberland County. Now a student who creates a documentary on the role of women in World War II with a foundation in the County’s history—whether using the many interviews in the Elizabeth V. and George F. Gardner Digital Library or any other resource—will now have their work and research in a special collection at the Historical Society for future researchers to consult. And with the permission of the student and their parents CCHS may look into publishing projects via the Gardner Digital Library. This would allow students the opportunity to showcase their work beyond the NHD time frame.
For each category CCHS will accept the following:
Exhibit: A photograph of the exhibit along with copies of the text used in the exhibit as well as the annotated bibliography and process paper.
Documentary: A copy of the documentary along with the process paper and annotated bibliography.
Paper: A digital copy of the paper along with the process paper and annotated bibliography.
Performance: If the performance was filmed a copy of the performance as a digital file along with the process paper and annotated bibliography.
Website: An archived or static version of the website along with the process paper and annotated bibliography.
CCHS has had a long history of recognizing the excellent work of local students with our collection of Lamberton prize essays to more recently working with students on the Gardner Project. I am personally excited about this next phase of CCHS highlighting and preserving the high quality work being done locally and I cannot wait to see what students produce in 2017 and moving forward. If your project qualifies this January please feel to reach out to CCHS so that we can arrange to bring your project into the Historical Society’s collection.
Blair Williams, Media Specialist
Image: Students at the 1907 Camp Hill High School building circa 1950.