Join or Renew Your CCHS Membership Today

The Cumberland County Historical Society appreciates and relies upon the support of its members.  Please complete this form and process your payment to complete your membership application.

All memberships help CCHS:

  • Keep CCHS’ museum free and open to the public
  • Preserve our significant collection of historic documents, photographs, and artifacts
  • Mount special exhibits on a regular basis
  • Provide historical research support and services
  • Offer meaningful, low-cost or free educational programs and events for adults and children
  • Provide outreach and community involvement with history and storytelling

CCHS Memberships Levels


This is a great membership for individual researchers and general history supporters.

  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, program mailings, and monthly e-blasts
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • 2 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests


A great level for two person households or families wishing for all the perks above, including discounts for two.

  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, program mailings, and monthly e-blasts
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • 4 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests


  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • 10 Free Digital Scans from the CCHS Photo Collection per Year
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, annual report, program mailings, car decal, and monthly e-blasts
  • A copy of our Cumberland County History Journal and Cumberland Gateway annual magazine
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • Time Travelers & NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership (where applicable)
  • 4 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests
  • 10% discount on Todd Hall / Cumberland Room Rentals


  • One complimentary pass of your choice to an event per year (exclusions apply)
  • 10% off any rental at CCHS
  • 15 Free Digital Scans from the CCHS Photo Collection per Year
  • Named in Annual Magazine
  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, annual report, program mailings, car decal, and monthly e-blasts
  • A copy of our Cumberland County History Journal and Cumberland Gateway annual magazine
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • Time Travelers & NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership (where applicable)
  • 4 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests

James Hamilton

  • Two complimentary pass of your choice to an event per year (exclusions apply)
  • 1 Free Meeting per year of Todd Hall or Cumberland Room and 10% off other rentals at CCHS
  • 20 Free Digital Scans from the CCHS Photo Collection per Year
  • Named in Annual Magazine
  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, annual report, program mailings, car decal, and monthly e-blasts
  • A copy of our Cumberland County History Journal and Cumberland Gateway annual magazine
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • Time Travelers & NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership (where applicable)
  • 6 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests

Heritage Circle

  • Four complimentary pass of your choice to an event per year (exclusions apply)
  • 2 Free Meetings per year of Todd Hall or Cumberland Room and 10% off other rentals at CCHS
  • 15% off Two Mile House All Day Rental
  • 30 Free Digital Scans from the CCHS Photo Collection per Year
  • 1 Complementary Mounted Image from the Collection
  • Named in Annual Magazine
  • Use of Archives & Library for members including use of
  • A copy of CCHS’ program calendars, annual report, program mailings, car decal, and monthly e-blasts
  • A copy of our Cumberland County History Journal and Cumberland Gateway annual magazine
  • 10% off gift shop purchases (Some exclusions apply) with 20% discount in Museum Shop on the second Saturday of each month
  • Members only pricing on most events including discounts on walking and bus tours
  • Early-Bird access and discounts to Events
  • Invitations to member only events, including receptions and behind the scenes tours
  • Discounts for History Workshop Labs, home-school programs and summer camps
  • Time Travelers & NARM Reciprocal Museum Membership (where applicable)
  • 8 Complimentary tickets to all member events (annual meeting, summer concerts, lectures, etc.) for guests

Legacy Giving

On behalf of the Cumberland County Historical Society’s Board of Trustees and membership, thank you for taking an interest in the Society’s Legacy Giving Program. Learn more about our planned giving options.

Planned giving is critical to the Society’s success and is a straightforward way for our supporters to choose their own giving interests. Funds designated for endowment are automatically deposited into the endowment account. Furthermore, donations given for specific funds are also deposited into their respective designated special account(s). Stock gifts are welcome, and CCHS can facilitate the sale and deposit for Society designated accounts. For more information please be sure to reach out to