Friends & Partners
Our 2015-2020 Strategic Plan called for CCHS to focus on reaching out and supporting arts, culture and history organizations throughout Cumberland County. The following organizations promote history, preservation, arts and culture in Cumberland County. If you do not see your organization listed please let us know!
AHEC (Army Heritage Education Center)
Appalachian Trail Museum Society
Mechanicsburg Museum Association
Carlisle Iron Works Furnace
Newville Historical Society
Cumberland Valley Rail/Trail (Historical markers along 10-mile trail)
Grist Mill at Children’s Lake
Historical Society of Camp Hill
Historical Society of East Pennsboro
Mt. Tabor Preservation Project
Oakes Museum of Messiah College
Shippensburg Historical Society
Kings Gap Mansion & Gardens
Craighead House
CALC (Carlisle Arts Learning Center)
Kauffman & Brindle Galleries of Shippensburg University
Trout Gallery of Dickinson College
South Mountain Partnership
Central PA Conservancy
Rolls-Royce Foundation
Bosler Memorial Library
Amelia Givin Library